Wednesday, May 28, 2008


i'm going to faint le lol.. Todae when i started my test it was like raining cats and dogs lol.
on the wiper till the max le, still cannot c clearly... haiz..

I hit the kerb, manii manii times ! Cos encounter problems i never even face before. I dunno how to do the correction. N know then i know, IIFB u reverse more than 3 times, U FAIL IMMEDIATELY!!!!! Damm sian lolx. When the tester turn n look at u and say u fail le.
N i bearly even started. sho i ask him whether i still need to continue. He say yes. So i actually completed the whole course. But the rest of the test is like ALMOST no problem the lolx. Especially on road !!!

U know what??

As i mention above, when i started my test.. its raining cats and dog.
After i FINISHED my test, the rain actually stopped!!!!

If it were you, how would u feel...

N i started calling ppl to announce that i failed the test. Cos those ppl wish me luck n i felt that there is a need to let them know how's the result... even its BAD BAD result..
But they still got an wei me.. Haa...

Anyway going to stop here. Wasn't in the mood to blog le. Haiz...


- it stings - 7:38 PM

Sunday, May 25, 2008

i was saying that i will post up pic on my earring tat i ordered after it arrive rite ??

actually the earring arrive on sat. but i took the pics and was lazy to upload it into the com.

so i am going to blog abt it now !!!

Isn't the packagin cute ??

Haa.. Tats how it comes in =p

i was so excited lol. when my earring come n i wore it to dancing yst night.. haa.. go show off..


Then today, went to Paris to eat.. It's near marina

It was nt allow to take photo of the food. They even put the warning sign abt not taking photo.. Haiz..


I can't resist the chocolate so.. hee... secretly take photo of the chocolate... =p

The cakes... Haa... Different kind of cheese cake..

The close up for the chocolate.. I like the taste of the chocolate..

The Extra..

Today we( my parents, my grandma[ to celebrate their mother's day] all my aunt) went to eat the lunch buffet.

So after lunch went SHOPPING and I was surprised to c RAHIM at work.. Haa..
Its like super long time no c him le lol..
Let Me Think.... ..... ..... .... .....

After we graduate from Sec Sch, i didn't even c him once.. Ha..

When he saw me, He turn away.. So bad rite ??
How could he !!!!!!

So after chatting, continue our shopping..
My aunt Pam, went to buy a SOFT TOY/ PLUSH... as a belated mother's day gift for grandma.
It was a yellow rabbit, Medium size and its FLAT...
I should have taken a pic of it.
But I was too tired or should I say I was too lazy to do it...


Anyway.. Tats enough of crapping. &
I'm goiong to end my post of the dae...


P/S: Ber.. I u happen to c my blog, U really should go de. The dory fish thr quite nice. N u should hear wad my father crap abt. We all laugh so hard that the waiter and waitresses turned their head to c wads happening on our table..


- it stings - 7:31 PM

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wow.. Back again.

Actually today was rather excited abt signing up for the hip hop class de. But vian say she lazy to go out. so in the end....

Went to ah ma house n eat den go DANCING!!!!

Ya.. i Can't Stop when it comes to dance !! WEEE...

Ber actually teaches me 2 hip hop she learn at the dance camp organize by her school. But i only remembered one.. N i keep missing the steps.
I juz can't get the feel to the steps. N when i c myself dance. I wann to kill myself.

Gosh its so the ugly lolz.. Sian.. Gonna train more abt the posture le. Haiz.

So bb.. Going off to practice. =p

Lately its so hot. Don't you guys agree ??

[bEii] Bb.... =D

- it stings - 12:09 AM

Thursday, May 22, 2008

haa.. back..

todae, whole day printing invoices then com hang. lunch then print again. c com screen n they yellow copy c until my eyes wann close le. haiz..


today my daddy take me to yew tee mrt station. on the way to the carpark, he's telling me " later we take 1 photo ok"... since when?? he wanted or i should say he actually invited me to take photo with him. eveytime is juz come daddy SMILE..


When early morning taking pic when ur still half awake, this is what hapens.

After sometime. Few attempts ltr =p

Owww.. The Sunlight...

Nvm.. Its quite a short post. But still... Everyone SLP EARLY (m toking abt u VIAN) !!!

i know its ugly.. dun nid to comment abt it.. Jana..


- it stings - 11:14 PM

Sunday, May 18, 2008

ok.. since there actually is someone and the only one who's reading my blog..
i am back to updatin my blog juz for todae.
Todae went to dentist early in the morning. Its a painful experience. I bleed... Haiz..
Its been 5 yrs since i last visit de dentist n after the normal checkup.. which is cleaning n polishing.. she told me that i will only need to vist her once a year. Which is great as compared to the others.. Half a year or even every 3 months. Haa..
After the dentist visit.. I suggested on going to zoo.. but my father day that nop.. We are going to qeenstown, meet my mum then go IKEA..
After arriving at queenstown mrt's taxi stand waiting for my mum, i decided to cam whore a little.. Haa..


Ok, This.. I was getting bored while waiting for my mum..

Den, I decided to play with my neckalce..
This Necklace actuallii comes with a shirt.. But i decided to seperate wear it.. Haa

I know i look ugly in dis pic.. But.. Hu cares..

I know i look fat in this pic but.. Haa..

My daddy.. Look so cramp..

Haa.. This is nicer.. 2nd attempt..

Thats my grandma..

Proud to annouce my little cousin.. Skye.. Hee.. Look better in dis pic den the previous. :P

Thats the end of todae's pic...
Follow by some pics taken when i'm in the office.. feeling BORED!!!!

Actually there are some more but they don't allow me to post it all.. So i dun wann to try le..
Tats y only got 3 pics.. Haa..

Below is the actual thing that arrived on monday at my house. Haa.. Its the MOTHERS DAY GIFT.....


Ok.. This is the earring i ordered for myself. But it haven arrived yet.. When it does. I'm going to take a pic and put it up.

Tats all for todae's blog.. Tata..


P/S: Anime- [DEVIL MAY CRY] recommended .. :D

- it stings - 10:45 PM

Sunday, May 11, 2008

woots. long time no blog le.


Did anyone not give gifts or at least wish them a "HAPPY MOTHERS DAY" ??

iifb u forgot... gotta wish her now... haa

Anyway i doubt anyone would be reading my blog.... .....

so i am posting for the sake of posting.

Actually i ordered a pair of earring for my mum. but it haven't arrive yet.

The person whom i ordered from say that it mayb would arrive tml. so thats a belated gift for my mum no matter what. Haiz thought of giving her a surprise de. But now no present, how to give surprise ??

Mayb I shall post a photo ofb e earring.

Hang on..















This is the pic I c at her blog.

This is the Pic that she send me. :p

Thats so nice of her. She actually take and send me the pic of the final product. Haa (".) =P

Ok anyway.. I'm going to end my post here.. Haa !!!!!!


- it stings - 11:06 PM


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

ii was born wiib the name beiying
sweet Niineteen
obviously ii am a garl
hu goes by the nick beii
currently living in senja;bukit panjang

.taking photo
.my darling biiao mei; viians
9 .fone
.the HOTTiies from mars


.my cousin from hell; debbiie yeo ifb iieu see her, smack her fer miie kiies
.getting up early in the morn
.lack of money $$
.the alien hu habb a fweaking nosebled 24/7


.to habe a laptop
.new handfone
.new fone set
.to learn dance more quickly
.new bag
.new wallet
.to be able to catch up with de speed*dance*
.to learn japanese
.to pass my driving test
.to have a driving lic.
.to learn to park without pole
.to own a car
.to save more $$
.more books

bwuaiis bwuaiix((:
__cry & shoutts.]]*

