Thursday, December 28, 2006

haix.. todae(wed) iish damm siian lolx..went for albert de class [ when ii was hoping thr iish none].. den damm de weather again. yesh iish AGAIN!!! RAINING !!!
den go to his class.. my whole body iish aching.. y?? b'cos he ask us tuuhs repeat de stupiid steps. [ ROLLING 360 degress on de floor wiifb de tip ofb ur jiao zhi nt leaving the floor] [ profound huh]*shake head* n ofb course ofb de new routine.. for both left n right side.. but happiie cos next mon no his lesson.. yeah.. thurs no habe chingay!!! sho happiie.. diis week onlii habe hiis lesson..!! * laugh*

todae oso pay for de ticket for albert de dance performance.. $10per ticket..[ not noing iifb ii can make iit] cos oofb de I.A.P thingy which iish berii important.. haix..*shake head again n sigh*

berii late le.. sho ii go slp le..
buaix buaiix..

[bEii] not knowing!! *.-

- it stings - 2:48 AM

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

damm death note 2..
todae ii went to lot 1 c death note wiifb piing.. den de 2.25pm show.. onlii habe a few sits left.. n they are all seperated.. sho we bought de ticket for de 9pm de show.. haa. tat's y now s den blog.. cos jux reach home.. haa.. den gt all wet.. cos ofb de 2pid weather.. RAINING!!!

cos ofb de 9pm de show.. thr r sho manii hws left.. wad to do?? haa.. ofb course go k box lar.. hehe.. de gor gor thr still remeber us even though we didn't go to lot 1 k box for lyk 3mths.. somemore he still remember our last room.. room no.57or 58 nvm cos ii alreadii forgot. eben ii forgot abt it.. haa..

sho finally reached 9pm.. went to watch death note 2..
damm de ending.. its sho stupid.. noth L n light die..
[iifb eiiu wann noe.. hu's de last name.. haa.. iit iish Light.. haa..]
L kill himself.. den Light gt killed by Ryuk.. de death god.. haix.. its damm stupiid lolx..
iifb wann noe de reason.. go watch urself..
haix.. dun tok le lar.. i wann kill myself iifb keep toking abt de stupiid ending..
sian lolx.. * shake head*

nth to tok abt le lolx.. sho.. haa.. logg offb le..
buaix buaix..

[bEii] stupid death note 2 de ending..

- it stings - 12:09 AM

Monday, December 25, 2006

Haa..Todae add de japanese de link inside my blog.. gt c de youtube de thiingy mahx ?? iifb interested.. go to de link there .. there iish 1 link to de japanese language wbsite.. haa..

den todae hor.. ii berii ke liian eiiu noe?? X'Mas.. no go out.. stay at home rot.. sian lolx.. hiax.. den oso no more novel n comic read le.. Eiiu sae lar.. Ppl X'mas go out den ii stay at home rot.. Si bei ke lian rite.. Haix..

Den ii go le.. bb..


- it stings - 5:19 PM

Saturday, December 23, 2006

OMG.. ii change de blog skin again.. diis tiime iish viian de cher.. Mr. Poi help mii de..

Shoo.. Thx you mr poi. [ viann de cher]

Haa.. Nice rite ?? de blog skin..
n todae when viian iish helping mii finish up by updating my particulars, ber saw her piic n ask viian tuuhs delete away.. berii bad rite..
now i habe to replublish her piic.. sho ma fan.. sho ber.. dun make anyone else do de same worx.. JKJK.. haa
sho ber.. eiiu mux inform mii iifb ii habe tuuhs go dancing on wed iifb eiiu c diis ar.. iifb no c diis post.. nvm.. ii will sms eiiu de.. haa..

viian.. thx to eiiu too.. haa.. ii will keep moii promise de.. hehe... shoo no worry.. ii noe iifb ii no blog.. eiiu will delete away rite.. sho no worry.. haa..

okies lar.. den ii stop here le.. hehe.. bb


- it stings - 4:36 PM

Friday, December 22, 2006

haa.. back to post somemore pic..

thx tuuhs her.. i habe to republish her piic again... THANK YOU HOR BER!!!

don mess us up.. haa.. will hit eiiu de..

viian wad eiiu doing ??

us.. trying to play pose boyish but failed..

trying to act:
mii= trying to hit her cos ii'm bad..
she= good student but look lyk cher huh..

haa.. tats onlii some ofb our pic.. haa..

n diis chalet.. iish suppose to be our famillie chalet.. but iin de end.. that PIG
call her friend thr.. den berii sao xing.. haix..
reallii nth tuuhs sae de lolx..

- it stings - 3:28 PM

back back bcak le... yeah.. haa.. hehe... as wad vian sae. diis few daes go chalet.. so no come here blog.. ii tell eiiu lolx. even iifb ii no go chalet oso won't come here sho de often.. cos moii com berii de lag.. haa so no on my com.. no on com = no internet = no blog update... haa ok lar.. enough of those crap le.. haa.. diis r de piics ii tok iin de chalet.. onlii mii n viian de photo.. haa.. iifb eiiu wann c other ppl de .. pls go to viian de blog..

haa.. mii n viian again.. c tat hat.. iish jh de.. haa..boyish mahx ??

wadd did we c thr ??

wey.. whr we looking ?? haa.. tats moii coz.. viian..

boyish mahx ?? haa.. ii took moii bro de hat..

doing nth inside but taking pics..

mii agaiin.. haa..

blur blur beii..

moii haiir berii messt rite ?? bcos ofb de fan behind..

berii zii liian rite ?? haa..
ii berii ke lian la..
those 3 daes..didn't even step put ofb de door.. haix.. stay thr watch them play majong.. cos they wann play $$ de.. sho ii dunn play.. haa..
but iin de end.. nt enought player.. sho.. ii play 2 round.. wiin $1.8.. good hor.. haa.. denn ii bring 6 book there to read but iin de end onlii read 4 books.. haa.. *wey mux laugh wifb mii de la...haa...

they siao liao.. play majong till siao.. realli lolx.. cann play all dae long de la.. sho de majong + de majong table all belong tuuhs us.. haa haa haa..

den every year we go chalet (from small till now lolx) iish w slp on de sofa ourtside de.. berii ke lian rite ?? haix.. but diis year, we slp inside de room on de soft soft bed.. haa.. onlii diis year.. next year ii dun think would be sho de good le.. haa..

de bowling centre thr no habe liaox.. sho de sad niia.. cos cannot midnight go play bowling le.. haix.. yi han la..
de rest of de pic ar on de next post.. nt enough place.. haa..

- it stings - 1:48 PM

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

hahs. im here to blog once again.
sheeshh. can see that this blog is dying. real fast. tsk tsk. bad owner we have here!! x]]

oh well~
to inform my dear-oh-peeps.
i will be gone. no no. don wish me r.i.p yet.
i will be back on friday to bother everyone and get on their nerves. bwahahas.

so in the meantime.
i. ofb cos. will not be bloggin.
just to let those ppl hu are. ermm. slow to comprehend wad i type. *coughdumbcough*
i will not be blogging because i will be going to chalet for 3 days 2 night.
i hope you guys understand what i say. ifb you don. *shrug* oh well~~ i have no comment den.

ahhs. im being a little sarcastic there. my apologies. let me repeat. L.I.T.T.L.E. ok? good.
hope it doesnt rain over there. *cross fingers*
and maybe ifb all ofb you are good i will post my pictures.
haha. im joking. have a little humour my dear fweens or you will die ofb safocation.
now now~ we wouldnt wan that to happen do we.
i may go to jail for being the cause ofb your death. xDD

alritex den. enough of crapping.
will be going out anytime sooner.

i will kiss you ifb you tagged me. better ifb its flooding.
ofb cos i would only supply wet and sloppy type. ifb you prefer those dry one i shall have to say sworrie to you then.

and finally!! viviann rawks! yepps. she rawks to the core.
see! im so kind to update the blog. pheeshh. you have got to thank me later on.

- it stings - 11:38 AM

Friday, December 15, 2006

OMG... sho long tiime nv come here blog le..
shun bian ti yi xia.. de dec 8 iish nt ii blog de.. haa

wow... wed iish de modern dance.. den onlii 8 ofb us go lolx.. berii few onlii riite?? den all de sets we do, we finish within 30 mins.. pro le lolx... den albert de dance teacher.. teaches us a new set..
berii diifiicult ar.. de timiing berii fast lolx.. other set de timing iish lyk 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 .

but for dis set, de timing iish 12345678. berii fast riite ??

den on thurs.. which iish yst. mummy sae will take us go eat sushii de .. but iin de end no go cos tat tiime she meeting other ppl.. sad niia.. berii sad lolx.. den smth happen on thurs.. tuuhs mii iish berii funnii lolx.. dun sae i bad lar.. k ??
ber broke her heels la... ii ask her hiw she broke her heels.. eiiu noe wad she sae??
she sae she sit down, den stand up walk a few steps her heels broke... hahahahaha.. i berii bad rite still laugh at her.. but reallii cnt stand iit lolx... haa.haa.

aiya.. but she's oso luck cos todae she gt bring extra shoes for de rehearsal.. sho ii meet her le den walk to P.A.
when we reach.. de door cnt open.. n we cannot gt in until we found out tat de keys r in de guys changing room... haaa... so waited for them tuuhs open de door for us..
thx guys.. iifb nt we will niid tuuhs stand outsiide fro a berii long time...

OMG.. ii gt de timetable for de rehearsal for jan n feb...
HOW ?? de timing clash wifb moii IAP shift time.. ii cannot do moii afternoon shiift......
DIE!!! DIE!!!

todae iish fri.. sho as promise, my mummy take us tuuhs lot 1 tuuhs eat sushi.. haa.. cos yst cant eat den todae eat lolx..
sho when finish eating.. go "popular".. ii saw viian.. moii beloved cousin.. haa.. wifb her friends.. den i gave her a strawberry ice-cream which ii took out from sakae sushi.. eiiu noe rite.. iifb go eat buffet will habe de.. yar iish tat 1.. den after tat went home.. haix..

sho end here le lolx...

22.03 hrs


- it stings - 9:39 PM

Friday, December 08, 2006

heyss all~ hOw ar3 all Of yOu?... sOrrii fOr nOt be3n uPdatiing fOr sO lOng!... sOrrii >.< style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; CURSOR: hand; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/7999/898/320/449903/29112006%28001%29.jpg" border="0">

mii, Zonnie and Kristiin3!

will uPdat3 mOr3 Next tiim3~

buaii buaii~

Dark POwer RocksssSSS!!!

- it stings - 11:41 PM


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

ii was born wiib the name beiying
sweet Niineteen
obviously ii am a garl
hu goes by the nick beii
currently living in senja;bukit panjang

.taking photo
.my darling biiao mei; viians
9 .fone
.the HOTTiies from mars


.my cousin from hell; debbiie yeo ifb iieu see her, smack her fer miie kiies
.getting up early in the morn
.lack of money $$
.the alien hu habb a fweaking nosebled 24/7


.to habe a laptop
.new handfone
.new fone set
.to learn dance more quickly
.new bag
.new wallet
.to be able to catch up with de speed*dance*
.to learn japanese
.to pass my driving test
.to have a driving lic.
.to learn to park without pole
.to own a car
.to save more $$
.more books

bwuaiis bwuaiix((:
__cry & shoutts.]]*

