Wednesday, December 20, 2006

hahs. im here to blog once again.
sheeshh. can see that this blog is dying. real fast. tsk tsk. bad owner we have here!! x]]

oh well~
to inform my dear-oh-peeps.
i will be gone. no no. don wish me r.i.p yet.
i will be back on friday to bother everyone and get on their nerves. bwahahas.

so in the meantime.
i. ofb cos. will not be bloggin.
just to let those ppl hu are. ermm. slow to comprehend wad i type. *coughdumbcough*
i will not be blogging because i will be going to chalet for 3 days 2 night.
i hope you guys understand what i say. ifb you don. *shrug* oh well~~ i have no comment den.

ahhs. im being a little sarcastic there. my apologies. let me repeat. L.I.T.T.L.E. ok? good.
hope it doesnt rain over there. *cross fingers*
and maybe ifb all ofb you are good i will post my pictures.
haha. im joking. have a little humour my dear fweens or you will die ofb safocation.
now now~ we wouldnt wan that to happen do we.
i may go to jail for being the cause ofb your death. xDD

alritex den. enough of crapping.
will be going out anytime sooner.

i will kiss you ifb you tagged me. better ifb its flooding.
ofb cos i would only supply wet and sloppy type. ifb you prefer those dry one i shall have to say sworrie to you then.

and finally!! viviann rawks! yepps. she rawks to the core.
see! im so kind to update the blog. pheeshh. you have got to thank me later on.

- it stings - 11:38 AM

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ii was born wiib the name beiying
sweet Niineteen
obviously ii am a garl
hu goes by the nick beii
currently living in senja;bukit panjang

.taking photo
.my darling biiao mei; viians
9 .fone
.the HOTTiies from mars


.my cousin from hell; debbiie yeo ifb iieu see her, smack her fer miie kiies
.getting up early in the morn
.lack of money $$
.the alien hu habb a fweaking nosebled 24/7


.to habe a laptop
.new handfone
.new fone set
.to learn dance more quickly
.new bag
.new wallet
.to be able to catch up with de speed*dance*
.to learn japanese
.to pass my driving test
.to have a driving lic.
.to learn to park without pole
.to own a car
.to save more $$
.more books

bwuaiis bwuaiix((:
__cry & shoutts.]]*

