Friday, December 15, 2006

OMG... sho long tiime nv come here blog le..
shun bian ti yi xia.. de dec 8 iish nt ii blog de.. haa

wow... wed iish de modern dance.. den onlii 8 ofb us go lolx.. berii few onlii riite?? den all de sets we do, we finish within 30 mins.. pro le lolx... den albert de dance teacher.. teaches us a new set..
berii diifiicult ar.. de timiing berii fast lolx.. other set de timing iish lyk 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 .

but for dis set, de timing iish 12345678. berii fast riite ??

den on thurs.. which iish yst. mummy sae will take us go eat sushii de .. but iin de end no go cos tat tiime she meeting other ppl.. sad niia.. berii sad lolx.. den smth happen on thurs.. tuuhs mii iish berii funnii lolx.. dun sae i bad lar.. k ??
ber broke her heels la... ii ask her hiw she broke her heels.. eiiu noe wad she sae??
she sae she sit down, den stand up walk a few steps her heels broke... hahahahaha.. i berii bad rite still laugh at her.. but reallii cnt stand iit lolx... haa.haa.

aiya.. but she's oso luck cos todae she gt bring extra shoes for de rehearsal.. sho ii meet her le den walk to P.A.
when we reach.. de door cnt open.. n we cannot gt in until we found out tat de keys r in de guys changing room... haaa... so waited for them tuuhs open de door for us..
thx guys.. iifb nt we will niid tuuhs stand outsiide fro a berii long time...

OMG.. ii gt de timetable for de rehearsal for jan n feb...
HOW ?? de timing clash wifb moii IAP shift time.. ii cannot do moii afternoon shiift......
DIE!!! DIE!!!

todae iish fri.. sho as promise, my mummy take us tuuhs lot 1 tuuhs eat sushi.. haa.. cos yst cant eat den todae eat lolx..
sho when finish eating.. go "popular".. ii saw viian.. moii beloved cousin.. haa.. wifb her friends.. den i gave her a strawberry ice-cream which ii took out from sakae sushi.. eiiu noe rite.. iifb go eat buffet will habe de.. yar iish tat 1.. den after tat went home.. haix..

sho end here le lolx...

22.03 hrs


- it stings - 9:39 PM

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ii was born wiib the name beiying
sweet Niineteen
obviously ii am a garl
hu goes by the nick beii
currently living in senja;bukit panjang

.taking photo
.my darling biiao mei; viians
9 .fone
.the HOTTiies from mars


.my cousin from hell; debbiie yeo ifb iieu see her, smack her fer miie kiies
.getting up early in the morn
.lack of money $$
.the alien hu habb a fweaking nosebled 24/7


.to habe a laptop
.new handfone
.new fone set
.to learn dance more quickly
.new bag
.new wallet
.to be able to catch up with de speed*dance*
.to learn japanese
.to pass my driving test
.to have a driving lic.
.to learn to park without pole
.to own a car
.to save more $$
.more books

bwuaiis bwuaiix((:
__cry & shoutts.]]*

