Friday, November 24, 2006

haas.. long time no blog.. reallii reallii long time no blog..
now no time to online blog le.. now every mon to fri habe to go dancing..
YEAH.. Finally.. i confirm in chingay 2007 le.. Haa.. So happie niia..
de costume berii nice lolx.. den gt de feeling lyk habe wing lyk dis.. ( on de sleeve la.. of course) den de coloy iish de sun de colour.. haa.. berii nice lolx..
nice mahx ?? moii costume de colour ish de colour of de sun.. haa..

den yesterdae ii go for de first chingay combined rehersal.. haa.. den they take our measurment for de clothes.. den gt forced to learn de combined indian dance.. haix.. berii difficult niia.. reallii reallii difficult niia.. until now still die.. cannot remember de steps..

yesterdae b4 go P.A. ii ask 2 yi bring me to a place.. dunno wadd izzit call.. ii think iit iish call goldenland mark.. dunno correct a not.. haa.. den ii go buy de ballet shoes.. take go P.A thr... den first wear de shoes rite.. got sound de la.. den after tat no sound le.. haa..

de floor ish berii dirty niia.. my new shoes become dirty berii fast.. shoo sad.. haix.. yesterday reach home berii late le lolx.. around 12 den reach niia.. sad rite ?? berii dark la.. de route home.. when reach home rite.. moii body berii tired le lolx.. berii painful siia.. my leg hurt.. sian..

todae intend to go k box de.. but ping dunno can a not.. berii smth to worry now ish now raining.. den also berii HUNGRY.. ARGGGGGGG !!!!!! berii HUNGRY.. berii HUNGRY..

next wed.. still nid to habe face test.. siian la.. on wed.. den wed ish Albert de class.. die.. ALBERT DE CLASS LA.. I STILL DUNNO DE STEPS... ARGGGGGGGG.... :@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@

kk lar.. end here le.. wann go home le.. haa.. bb..

- it stings - 11:09 AM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Haa.. Long tiime no come here blog le.. Now iin Thiinking Skiills.
Sian niia.. wann slp le larhxx.. berii de siian lolx.. her lesson...
Haix.. yesterdae hor.. go dancing..den hit moii de stupiid shoulder again.. yesh ish AGAIN !!!!!
berii paiin u noe?? u noe rite.. matteress ish berii softt de riite?? ii slp on iit.. ii can still feel de paiin lolx... berii berii berii paiin niia.. haiix.. denn ii cannot follow de tiimiing for de steps yesterdae.. sho gt scolded... CRY CRY CRY!!!
Now viian still sick.. so dunno tml she can go de Hip-Hop tml mahhsx..
[wiish tat recover soon] [ iif nt she wiill lose de one n onlii chance of learning hip-hop. the cher teaching ish from korea.. haa. ii heard tat the cher hass help to teach de ppl dance iin MTV.. gd horxx..

last last dae[ sun]

haa.. ii go bugis find miiee de mummy, 3 yi & 2 yi.. ii took uncle ben de van thr.. sho good.. at de back.. IT ALL MINE!!! haa..
reach bugis at around 5pm le.. berii late hor.. haa.. but nvm
when ii reach thr.. step iinto de fiirst shop, ii bought 1 dress..
den consistanty buy bag n clothes...
haa. fiirst tiime step iinto sasa shop.. buy make up set.. haa.. de jie jie thr berii funnii... she put de eye shadow for my mummy.. nice la.. de light purple n beach color.. den she put on de brown eyeliner.. haa.. my mum's eyes become bigger lerhhx...

my 2 yi.
she went to m1 shop to buy nokia 6280 usiing miie de 3 yii line.. haa...

my 3 yi arhxx..
she oso went to bugis to buy dress.. as she wann wear go work.. haa.. [jiaa you 3 yi.. find more dress bahx.. ] but her dress berii difficult to buy.. as nt all fiit her.. !!!

den go back to sat..

haa.. sat ii went dancing with miiee de aunt [ all de yi except moii mum]
so ii slp at moii de 2 yii house on frii..

back to fri...
ii go tuuhs P.A to learn chinese dance niia.. Haa,, Chinese dance iish easiier lahx...

Haa.. Now.. Gtg le.. Bb..


- it stings - 10:16 AM

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

ii was sho de ANGRY todae lolx.. todae.. early iin de morniing at 6++.. piing sms mii tuuhs tell mii tat she nt goiing tuuhs sch today..sho ii sms kristine tat ii wiill b goiing de 9 am class..


iits alreadii 7.45am.. den quiickly go bath.n.call.viiannss up.
berii gd tuuhs her riite ?? let her slp tiill 8 niia..

OMG wads she doiing??
Cliimbiing de chair..
ltr she fallxx.. den ii DIE...
den when she readii we'r readiie tuhhs go..


she complaiined tat she's goiing tuuhs slp niia..
FINALLY.. reach.mrt. we r goiing tuuhs be seperated..
she's goiing back tuuhs her house.. * Yew Tee*

i nid tuuhs go tuuhs her house.. cos sat. ii goiing danciing niia..

ii habe tuuhs go do project..
n wad she saiid on her blog.. ish totally

p.s: "viianns. below iish iieuu lyk de fuji.. haa..


- it stings - 1:54 PM

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hiax.. ii so ke liian.. Got qi fu by my cousin... hu claim tat she loves mii.. Sad hor.. ren jian bei ju..[人间悲剧]...
den post all de photo which i look damm ugly inside..
sae tat ii m a 5yr old kid..
berii ke lian rite.. gt suan for no gd reason.. haix..
u sae i ke lian bu ke lian ??
ke lian rite...
now she shooooo de bad.. sit on my bed some more... ltr i no place to slp le..
at my own house;room oso gt bullied...
haix.. i go find if thr r some more of her pic.. wait ar...

sooo sad... no more her solo le..
aiya.. if i noe .. i jux now dun delete le.. sian...
u can go to her blog to c...
ltr u go to de buaix buaix thr den click vian.. there u go.. its her blog..
thr r lot of her solo.. haaa

i wan cry le.. moii de blog... gt problem...
den tat stupid viian.. still flood moii tagged board... de same msg can click 3 times.. den to delete away de msg.. she reallii go flood moii tagged board...
NOW.. she blame miie tat bcos of mii she's dumb... now ii dunno wad ii do tuuhs her le lolx...

aiya.. aniihow blame ppl de... so ppl put thr b'careful ofb her..

dis is a warning to all of u... remember huh.. she can suan back de person without even scolding a single @#$@%@#$....
she's jux beside mii.. ii m going to DIE !!!!

yst i hurt my shoulder.. now she still beat mii... ke lian rite.. haix.. y do i habe dis kind of coz.. ??

bEii 11.55pm 7/11/06

- it stings - 11:50 PM

wow.. today ben lai wan go k box wibe ping n kor de.. in de end kor sick. so no go. den viianss come my house.. help mii do my blog skin..
de blog skin u all c now ish she do de.. nice rite.. haa.. remember to tag worx..
haa.. tats us..

vian kawaii rite ?? haa..

Mux thx her for dis completion of de blog nia...
we are berii boring. nth to do den take photo..

below are some pictures taken wifb vian de phone Nokia 6288..
"plx" tilt ur head.. thx
" plx" tilt ur head.. thx
vian de solo..

haa.. tats de end of todae.. haa..
will come n blog again..

bEii 10.26pm 6/11/06

- it stings - 9:48 PM

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


todae oso dunno wads wrong wifb mii.. ii woke up late. den go for 9am de lesson..
sho when reach sch de traffic light.. i saw ms chiin.. she was wearing sunglasses and with 2 more teacher.

sho 9 start her(ms chin) lesson..she ask us to paint de nails.. haa.. de whole room filled wifb de nail polish de smell. den when complete.. she let us habe a competiitiion!! and Ivy won de competition.. haa..

sho lesson start at normal. jux tat we did nt attend OIT lesson as de whole class go to simei ite for de carrer tok.

WOW.. de ite berii de big la..
its lyk a maze..
den walk until we'r lost.
cannot find de walk to mrt station.
sho when finally reached tampinese(dunno spell correct a not).
by de time reach home ish alreadii 2 hrs le.. ard 4.15..
sian rite
next time die die oso dun wanna go thr le.

even though thr almost everyting ish air conditioned.
oso dun 1 go thr.
stupid simei ite.
sho big for wad.

sho now i go slp le.. haa..

bEii 9.45mp 1/11/06

- it stings - 9:23 PM


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

ii was born wiib the name beiying
sweet Niineteen
obviously ii am a garl
hu goes by the nick beii
currently living in senja;bukit panjang

.taking photo
.my darling biiao mei; viians
9 .fone
.the HOTTiies from mars


.my cousin from hell; debbiie yeo ifb iieu see her, smack her fer miie kiies
.getting up early in the morn
.lack of money $$
.the alien hu habb a fweaking nosebled 24/7


.to habe a laptop
.new handfone
.new fone set
.to learn dance more quickly
.new bag
.new wallet
.to be able to catch up with de speed*dance*
.to learn japanese
.to pass my driving test
.to have a driving lic.
.to learn to park without pole
.to own a car
.to save more $$
.more books

bwuaiis bwuaiix((:
__cry & shoutts.]]*

