Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hiax.. ii so ke liian.. Got qi fu by my cousin... hu claim tat she loves mii.. Sad hor.. ren jian bei ju..[人间悲剧]...
den post all de photo which i look damm ugly inside..
sae tat ii m a 5yr old kid..
berii ke lian rite.. gt suan for no gd reason.. haix..
u sae i ke lian bu ke lian ??
ke lian rite...
now she shooooo de bad.. sit on my bed some more... ltr i no place to slp le..
at my own house;room oso gt bullied...
haix.. i go find if thr r some more of her pic.. wait ar...

sooo sad... no more her solo le..
aiya.. if i noe .. i jux now dun delete le.. sian...
u can go to her blog to c...
ltr u go to de buaix buaix thr den click vian.. there u go.. its her blog..
thr r lot of her solo.. haaa

i wan cry le.. moii de blog... gt problem...
den tat stupid viian.. still flood moii tagged board... de same msg can click 3 times.. den to delete away de msg.. she reallii go flood moii tagged board...
NOW.. she blame miie tat bcos of mii she's dumb... now ii dunno wad ii do tuuhs her le lolx...

aiya.. aniihow blame ppl de... so ppl put thr b'careful ofb her..

dis is a warning to all of u... remember huh.. she can suan back de person without even scolding a single @#$@%@#$....
she's jux beside mii.. ii m going to DIE !!!!

yst i hurt my shoulder.. now she still beat mii... ke lian rite.. haix.. y do i habe dis kind of coz.. ??

bEii 11.55pm 7/11/06

- it stings - 11:50 PM

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ii was born wiib the name beiying
sweet Niineteen
obviously ii am a garl
hu goes by the nick beii
currently living in senja;bukit panjang

.taking photo
.my darling biiao mei; viians
9 .fone
.the HOTTiies from mars


.my cousin from hell; debbiie yeo ifb iieu see her, smack her fer miie kiies
.getting up early in the morn
.lack of money $$
.the alien hu habb a fweaking nosebled 24/7


.to habe a laptop
.new handfone
.new fone set
.to learn dance more quickly
.new bag
.new wallet
.to be able to catch up with de speed*dance*
.to learn japanese
.to pass my driving test
.to have a driving lic.
.to learn to park without pole
.to own a car
.to save more $$
.more books

bwuaiis bwuaiix((:
__cry & shoutts.]]*

