Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Haa.. Long tiime no come here blog le.. Now iin Thiinking Skiills.
Sian niia.. wann slp le larhxx.. berii de siian lolx.. her lesson...
Haix.. yesterdae hor.. go dancing..den hit moii de stupiid shoulder again.. yesh ish AGAIN !!!!!
berii paiin u noe?? u noe rite.. matteress ish berii softt de riite?? ii slp on iit.. ii can still feel de paiin lolx... berii berii berii paiin niia.. haiix.. denn ii cannot follow de tiimiing for de steps yesterdae.. sho gt scolded... CRY CRY CRY!!!
Now viian still sick.. so dunno tml she can go de Hip-Hop tml mahhsx..
[wiish tat recover soon] [ iif nt she wiill lose de one n onlii chance of learning hip-hop. the cher teaching ish from korea.. haa. ii heard tat the cher hass help to teach de ppl dance iin MTV.. gd horxx..

last last dae[ sun]

haa.. ii go bugis find miiee de mummy, 3 yi & 2 yi.. ii took uncle ben de van thr.. sho good.. at de back.. IT ALL MINE!!! haa..
reach bugis at around 5pm le.. berii late hor.. haa.. but nvm
when ii reach thr.. step iinto de fiirst shop, ii bought 1 dress..
den consistanty buy bag n clothes...
haa. fiirst tiime step iinto sasa shop.. buy make up set.. haa.. de jie jie thr berii funnii... she put de eye shadow for my mummy.. nice la.. de light purple n beach color.. den she put on de brown eyeliner.. haa.. my mum's eyes become bigger lerhhx...

my 2 yi.
she went to m1 shop to buy nokia 6280 usiing miie de 3 yii line.. haa...

my 3 yi arhxx..
she oso went to bugis to buy dress.. as she wann wear go work.. haa.. [jiaa you 3 yi.. find more dress bahx.. ] but her dress berii difficult to buy.. as nt all fiit her.. !!!

den go back to sat..

haa.. sat ii went dancing with miiee de aunt [ all de yi except moii mum]
so ii slp at moii de 2 yii house on frii..

back to fri...
ii go tuuhs P.A to learn chinese dance niia.. Haa,, Chinese dance iish easiier lahx...

Haa.. Now.. Gtg le.. Bb..


- it stings - 10:16 AM

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ii was born wiib the name beiying
sweet Niineteen
obviously ii am a garl
hu goes by the nick beii
currently living in senja;bukit panjang

.taking photo
.my darling biiao mei; viians
9 .fone
.the HOTTiies from mars


.my cousin from hell; debbiie yeo ifb iieu see her, smack her fer miie kiies
.getting up early in the morn
.lack of money $$
.the alien hu habb a fweaking nosebled 24/7


.to habe a laptop
.new handfone
.new fone set
.to learn dance more quickly
.new bag
.new wallet
.to be able to catch up with de speed*dance*
.to learn japanese
.to pass my driving test
.to have a driving lic.
.to learn to park without pole
.to own a car
.to save more $$
.more books

bwuaiis bwuaiix((:
__cry & shoutts.]]*

