Wednesday, June 25, 2008

back to blog about k box.
actually V...
Yan Zhong Shui Mian Bu Zhu.
Ever since that dae i went home freaking 4 o'clock in the morning ...
The only thing i lack was SLEEP!!!!!
seriously. I was so damm tired!!

That day I went to K with vian...

When we reach there, the place is packed.

Lucky I was wise to book a room in advance.

Other wise its going to be a long wait.!!


When its our turn.. We were lead to our room..

Room No.: K3..

And let the singing begain !!

The room behind us on the music so loud till we couldn't even hear our own voices.
Gosh.. How cosiderate can those ADULTS be.. ???!!!???

Then we realise that its also somehow the rooms' fault.
Cos besides the wall. There are small gaps/ feng/ what-so-ever-you-call-it .. at de side which is seperated by...

A thin layer of glass.
Somemore.. don't think it sound proof !!!


Almost 3/4 of the session has passed

I den remembered that we forgot to take pics!!

So not to regret..

We started to zi lian. hee...


C how tired I was ??
Imagine yawning and singing at the same time
After ending our K session. At 4am.
We cannot find the exit.
so follow the sign board which has the word EXIT pointing everywhr.
and finally found the lift..
When the lift came, ask V to take photo.
In de end she took a photo of us.
*Wey.. Vian..
Ask you to take photo of the lift nt us *
Next Day~
Early in the morning at 8.30am.
Was woke up by V....
I was so tired and nt wanting to get up.
But still got up for the sake of DANCING.
While in Mum's mini bus..

*i love the light effect of the sun*
After reaching CC for dance lessons..
I was practically reading novel.
Don't even know why i go there n not slping on my bed
Monday Blue..
Knock off already and was waiting for my bro to finish his TUTION.
Got nothing to do,
me and my father decided to compete
who take the most pics..
And I'm proud to be the winner.. =D
He only take 3 pics and den deleted them all.
While i have more than 30 pics just for that short 20 mins of waiting....!!
Finally finished !!!!
Watching Movie.. "Don't you mess with Zohan"
V n J.H
Though its nt a good timing but.
Hu cares ??!!??
which means enough time to go home den out again.
What a waste of money n time.
Anyway. Gonna end my blog.
Visit V at:

- it stings - 10:27 PM

Thursday, June 19, 2008

V.. I dun care.

I still wann to call u V.


Todae was the 2nd day Sherly was sick.

C her like this oso quite pity her.


Yst sick. Shang tu xia xie.

Todae sick. High Fever.

somemore i still wei xie her lol.

so bad.

Anyway, she saes that she'll be back tml.

Lucky for me.

Work load increases 2 times.

Cos i still need to do her share.

Not that i complaining.. Cos she did to help me too..

when i'm not around..

Its juz thr's no one to chat chat with me.

Was so bored.. T.T

Was so busy.. but still gt time to slp.

Was busy completing her stuff, in the end did onlii half of mine.

Todae was even better.

Shipments to India.

Ha.. I dunno how to do..

Let others do.

Hu the hell sell pumps to India.. Haiz..

Ok i usually do shipment to batam indonesia onlii..

Other countries lyk China.. Italy.. Vietnam or wad so eva its called.. ITS NOT DONE BY ME!!!

so don't blame me for not helping.


Tml.. How long have I waited.. Erm lyk a week ALREADY..

Wow.. Time really flies.. !!!

**don't even bother to correct my grammer/vocab.. its of no use.. MUHAHAHAHA**

** even better.. don't correct my english.. I FAILED MY ENG**

How I wish tml could come faster end work even faster...

I wanna go enjoy..

I wanna go sing K..

K Box.. Here I Come !!!


After finishing the singing session..

When u wanna go..

Tell me Tell me..

Sms me worx..


Below are the photo ofb junnhao when he dye his hair.. hee..

Onlii 3 pics ...

Hair design by: Vivian *applause*

yap thas's him...

you can visit him at...


so thats de end of todae's blog..



- it stings - 10:41 PM

Monday, June 16, 2008

I was away for so long.
Vian is complaining that she goes to my blog and c nth. Was so disappointed in me.
So vian, I'm going to blog... Don't be disappointed.. K ??
Aren't you happy about it? =D


Actually thr's nth to blog about. Cos everyday was so boring...
Its just work, go home, slp.. wake up, work, go home, slp..
Its e same routine everyday.
I had a boring life didn't I ??


So yst. Vian bugged me about going to BPP's "STREETS" to eat.
Gosh it was such a disappointment..
The so called " Cheese Baked Rice with Fillet"
Rice.. No taste.
Fillet.. Fish don't taste good. There's some kind of smell when you eat the fish.
Of course.. Its my own point of view and I don't need others to comment about it.
U heard me don't u.. U know who u are. N u better do. V..
It doesn't mean that other people would feel the same way.

But according to V..
She say that IMM's "STREETS" was not bad.

How i regretted... Y didn't I listen to junn hao...
Even though his isn't a much better choice. Haiz...

Until yst den I know that SUBWAY is healthy and its cheap.

V.. Next time u wanna drink...
Just go get it. There's no need to drag us in there and eat..

so I going to end this blog..

I know its boring but u ppl can choice not to read my blog.
I'm just posting new post b'cos someone out thr is bugging me to blog.
Yes. V.. I'm talking about U !!!!!


- it stings - 12:40 PM


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

ii was born wiib the name beiying
sweet Niineteen
obviously ii am a garl
hu goes by the nick beii
currently living in senja;bukit panjang

.taking photo
.my darling biiao mei; viians
9 .fone
.the HOTTiies from mars


.my cousin from hell; debbiie yeo ifb iieu see her, smack her fer miie kiies
.getting up early in the morn
.lack of money $$
.the alien hu habb a fweaking nosebled 24/7


.to habe a laptop
.new handfone
.new fone set
.to learn dance more quickly
.new bag
.new wallet
.to be able to catch up with de speed*dance*
.to learn japanese
.to pass my driving test
.to have a driving lic.
.to learn to park without pole
.to own a car
.to save more $$
.more books

bwuaiis bwuaiix((:
__cry & shoutts.]]*

