Sunday, November 18, 2007

dammm..... back to post le... cos saw smth on ping's de blog...

should be after habing dinner den mood happie happie come back play com de. oofb course dis mood continues until i sae ping's blog... haa.. i dun care iifb u c dis lolx.. since i wrote in ur comments too... u should be able to c dis no matter in ur blog or mine...

damm... todae yar.. happie happie opening shift den ganna pos 1 de sub cashier.. serene sae i dun nid open pos oofb course wait until 10, for da closing shift to open da cashier...
sho aunt su open till half way receive a call den tell mii tat she going to bring her ex boss in da zoo or wad so ever de. i expected her to come back quickly de lolx. since da entrance ish next to pos 1..

ok.. fast forward..

to ping's pissed off matter..

a customer come walking to me and sae tat he wanted to change de size for the clothes.. since its from 30/9/07 till todae, 18/11/07.. i call serene out to help mii..
ok sho after i explain da matter to her, da customer pin'g toking abt come towards de pos i was station at..
ok since aunt su count her $$ till half way n shut de cash box. and nth is done except for taking out de notes.. ( coins still half way counted) the cashier is still CLOSED..
since de counter is still close, ofb course i directed the customer to another POS where it is OPEN.. rite.. i mean normal ppl will do dis de lolx.. counter close den direct to another cashier..

so ask i walk pass POS 2, i sae ppl ( as in CUSTOMER nt STAFF) standing infront of POS 2.. and pos 3 is empty. ok thr i go taking the product to pos 3, call ping n tell her which customer is paying den she sae i think i noe which is the customer le.. and after tat i li suo dang ran de walk back to de place whr i was station at rite.

ok now da customer finish paying at pos 3 come to pas 1 to sae i wann to speak to ur supervisor/ manager. serene beside mii attend to her n being beside serene i heard the customer saeing tat he thinks we are fooling him. when taking de product n WANTING to pay ( showing no intention to do so) walk pass POS 3 den sae POS 2 gt ppl queing n den WALK to the furthest which is to POS1, realised tat POS 1 closed, taking de customer back to POS 3 to pay. n sae tat we are habing poor service. ok for tat serene apologised.

few mins after the customer left, bee yan come ask mii smth i forgot wad question le. i THINK is erm.... " y u didn't do the customer transaction" (smth lyk tat de)..
i ans.. " cos aunt su haben finish counting de money, coins counted until half way. i being nt wanting to mess her up, did nt open the counter until she gts back, ofb course direct to other POS lar" ( meaning is thr). sho bee yan gibe mii a look(forgot gt tok to mii anot) n turn to walk away.

lolx.. now i gt scolded in de blog for no reason. fucked lolx... sian...
my fault again lar. diret customer to other pos when pos nt open my fault.. direct le, customer come back scold us, my fault. when no ask for actual reason n gt scolded for nthing , my fault. ask her y she pissed off, she sae nth, stay n remain quiet, my fault. nt wanting to explain to mii y n wad is the problem, my fault. customer standing infront of pos nt paying, my fault. DAMM ALL OF U.. BEING THE LAST TO KNOW WAD HAPPEN OSO MY FAULT, WHEN I AM INVOLVED IN THE INCIDENT BEING THE ONE WHO IS SCOLDED... FUCK ALL.. WADS THE MATTER WIF U GUYS... SAE OUT LAR... DAMM IT... STAY QUIET N BEING SHOOT BY MY BEST FRIEND.. OK .. TATS IT I AM NT GOING TO WRITE LE.. DAMM EVERYTING TAT PISSED MII OFF TODAE.. FUCK U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok i reallii nid to cool down le.. luck i tml nt wrking.. haa.. n ping, ur nt the onlii 1 gt scolded by the customer, i n serene oso gt scolded ok..

anyway after wad i write n viian iifb u happen to c dis.. i wish u a happie early 16teen birthdae.. kekex.. :p

- it stings - 11:24 PM

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ii was born wiib the name beiying
sweet Niineteen
obviously ii am a garl
hu goes by the nick beii
currently living in senja;bukit panjang

.taking photo
.my darling biiao mei; viians
9 .fone
.the HOTTiies from mars


.my cousin from hell; debbiie yeo ifb iieu see her, smack her fer miie kiies
.getting up early in the morn
.lack of money $$
.the alien hu habb a fweaking nosebled 24/7


.to habe a laptop
.new handfone
.new fone set
.to learn dance more quickly
.new bag
.new wallet
.to be able to catch up with de speed*dance*
.to learn japanese
.to pass my driving test
.to have a driving lic.
.to learn to park without pole
.to own a car
.to save more $$
.more books

bwuaiis bwuaiix((:
__cry & shoutts.]]*

