Saturday, September 02, 2006

Dots... I go IMM buy dis cake.. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

den when reach dancing thr... Cut cake.. they sae nt nice... Sob Sob.. Berii sad lolx...

So next time birthdae rite...Dun buy all chocolate de cake.. u will be berii berii sad.. cos if they dun lyk.. they will suan until siao de.. Remember huh guys...

Cry Cry Cry... reallii berii sad lolx.... Haix... Nvm.. My birthdae going to b over le... Dis time ish a lesson... Next time dun repeat can le... But still gt at lease half of de cake lolx... Habe to eat all by myself... The reason y I buy dis cake ish b'cos i thought nice mahx.. Den wan share..ow.. over le.. all smashed... Taste dun suit...

Haix... bEii... Helpless Gal... -_-"'

- it stings - 10:52 PM

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ii was born wiib the name beiying
sweet Niineteen
obviously ii am a garl
hu goes by the nick beii
currently living in senja;bukit panjang

.taking photo
.my darling biiao mei; viians
9 .fone
.the HOTTiies from mars


.my cousin from hell; debbiie yeo ifb iieu see her, smack her fer miie kiies
.getting up early in the morn
.lack of money $$
.the alien hu habb a fweaking nosebled 24/7


.to habe a laptop
.new handfone
.new fone set
.to learn dance more quickly
.new bag
.new wallet
.to be able to catch up with de speed*dance*
.to learn japanese
.to pass my driving test
.to have a driving lic.
.to learn to park without pole
.to own a car
.to save more $$
.more books

bwuaiis bwuaiix((:
__cry & shoutts.]]*

