Wednesday, August 30, 2006

.. Todae.. Yeah.. Do project 3... Our bazarr dae..(dunno how to spell lar).. I take ping de fathers car go sch.. Haa.. den hor.. reach early.. so happie... hehe (^.^ )
Den start setting up de store lolx.. haa.. berii tiring la.. cos nid to carry de chairs n table ourselves.. haix.. den 1hr15min ltr.. FINALLY.. store set up.. haa...
10am.. start selling till 2pm.. u noe rite.. our clothes berii limited.. cos 1 design onlii 1 colour n 1 piece.. den start toking to customer.. asking teacher to buy.. blur blur blur... den yeah finally.. 2pm can go le.. 4hrs past lyk tat..nt berii fast actually.. but we made a profit of 20++.. yeah.. den we can take those clothes which we did nt sell home.. haa..

After de project thing.. hazel tat group n mii went to Jurong Point.. Kristine..Mary.. Hannah & Mii.. went to comic shop.. i bought <> n de other book.. ( dunno tittle)... den went to KFC to find Alicia.. Sok Wai and Hazel.. I was suprised to c Jia Li thr lolx.. as she told mii she was going home earlier after we ..finished de project thing..

So i go order my food.. den we were toking... Suddenly all went quiet.. So i look back.. I saw alicia taking in a cake.. dunno appear from whr de..So i was lyk shocked lolx... Den alicia saw mii looking at her.. she kept on shaking her head.. oso dunno for wad.. haix...
Alicia put the cake infront of mii lolx... N the whole group thr sing de birthdae song.. dots rite ??...
They sang berii loud lolx.. den saw other ppl in KFC looking at us lolx... Wa Lao.. Dare nt look.. so i kept my head down.. But was happie for the suprised they gave mii.. So blow candle.. wish.. blur blur blur... eat cake.. Alicia den pass mii de present.. It was from the whole group lolx...

Lastly.. Hazel the mastermind of te whole thing.. ask mii to guess wad present they gave mii.. I guess book... So they ask mii silly qusetions lolx... Haix.. oso 4gt wad they ask mii le... Den i was granted the permission to open moii present... Wa Lao.. oso dunno which idiot.. underneath the wrapping paper.. warp wif so manii newspaper.. I open till siao lolx.. going to loss my patient le lolx.. den saw smth colorful.. guess wad is it..??
It is whole stack of paper from the magazine.. the person who wrap the present .. dun let mii find out hor.. if not wrap ur head with newspaper n magazine...
So i tear off all the magazinie rite.. I finally saw the gift.. It ish 2 comic... Berii sian rite.. the present wrap until berii big lolx.. Haix.. But oso happie larx.. cos they went through all those trouble for celebrate wif mii my brithdae.. although it was too early.. haaa...\

Ok lar.. Now gtg le.. Slp.. Tml mux wake up early.. End here le...

bEii >.<

- it stings - 10:31 PM

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Back again.. This few daes oso wad i doing ?? Oso dunno y dun go dancing.. Wads wrong wif mi.. Since i lyk dancing so much.. Y i dun go ?? Oso dunno.. Haix...

Yst go dance wif my cousin .. aunts.. den here comes de rain... Y is it raining when FINALLY THR ISH A SONG I NOE.. Is it tat even the Sky wan to make fun of mii ??
Haa.. Yst.. When we reach the dance place.. Cos its a dance any1 can join .. so it is organised in the basketball court... den saw dish guy bring the dog down.. OMG.. U WILL LOVE THE DOG IF U C IT.. IT ISH SO DE CUTE.. It kept rolling on the grass lolx... den the owner still tie a blue ribbon on the dog lolx... Den my aunt all sae tat guy smile berii cute as my cousin thry all go get his no. ... Haa.. Yst so funnii...

When go playground find 2 of my youngest cousin.. A guy (Another person) come ask for my cousin (Vian) de Hp No. ... My cousin dun give den he start to pester her... Until she cannot take it den she give de no. ... Feel sorry for her.. Vian.. T.T.. Haa...


Online for no reason.. den saw my lont time no c frienx.. ask for her blog add... Haix... Now my parents go IMM.. I no go wif them .. go thr do de bored.. some more.. almost every dae when go home nid to pass through IMM.. haix.. Den i now hungry nth to eat.. Now still thinking how to celebrate my birthdae...

Sob sob.. T.T... The west coast thr de BBQ pit no more le.. cannot book liaox.. So when i planned for my birthdae was gone... Sob sob.. Den on my birthdae.. Thr ish oso dancing.. but onlii at CCK thr ... So its quite near.. den my aunt sae .. '' Ai Ya .. if no plan for ur birthdae celebration.. den we go dancing.. '' Berii Bad hor... 1 yr 1 time onlii... Oso wan go dancing... Sob sob .. T.T

Now gtg le.. Go find food makan.. Berii hungry le.. still gastric pain.. Haix... So bb....

bEii .. Helpless... >.<"'

- it stings - 5:38 PM


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

ii was born wiib the name beiying
sweet Niineteen
obviously ii am a garl
hu goes by the nick beii
currently living in senja;bukit panjang

.taking photo
.my darling biiao mei; viians
9 .fone
.the HOTTiies from mars


.my cousin from hell; debbiie yeo ifb iieu see her, smack her fer miie kiies
.getting up early in the morn
.lack of money $$
.the alien hu habb a fweaking nosebled 24/7


.to habe a laptop
.new handfone
.new fone set
.to learn dance more quickly
.new bag
.new wallet
.to be able to catch up with de speed*dance*
.to learn japanese
.to pass my driving test
.to have a driving lic.
.to learn to park without pole
.to own a car
.to save more $$
.more books

bwuaiis bwuaiix((:
__cry & shoutts.]]*

