Friday, May 26, 2006

Haix... I yesterdae sick so no blog ... Haix... How..
Todae den get better... Food Poisoning!!! Hai wo shang tu xia xie!!! So suai... Haix... Go c docter yesterdae still nid to habe injection... So pain... :'( cry... I hate pain... I scared of pain... Den my mummy still insist tat i mux habe injection... CRY !!!!!!! CRY !!!!!!!!!!! Now rite berii de giddy... Haix... So write so little... I go slp le... Buaix... Den todae rite oso no nid to go sch... Haha.. Gt 1 dae MC... Hehe...

bEii ... 11.26pm

- it stings - 11:17 PM

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Haix... Tml P.E... Actually iin ITE.. They call it Sport and Wellness.. But the fact ish de same.. PE...
How ?? Tml sure got running de lolx... I will die de lolx... God noes ... Last last week... I P.E... Running... Die... Run for 1st run ok... 2nd round.. DIE !!! So tired when i come back... Haix.. Den I now keep wondering...

If ii can dance 4 1and1/2hour without any break... does that means that ii habe improve my stamina ?? I oso dunno la.. den i ask my daddy... He sae ya... I sure can do it de... Haix.. So worry 4 tml !!!

Now de other issue... NO BOOK TO READ LE !!! De comic shop de jie jie dun let mii borrow new novel... Cos She sae the 31/5/06 de novel haben rtn... so cannot borrow !!! How can lyk dis ?? Haix.. Den oso dunno tml can survive anot... without novel / comics !!! Haix...

Sch end so lateeeee!!! Den todae wait 4 de bus .. wait until dun wanna wait le.. Call my daddy come fetch mii... Lucky tat he oso on his way back home !! If not , he won't even care abt mii... Haix... Den jux when he pick up de phone y bus tat i wanted to take come !!! Berii de idiot rite ?? Bus 963... Hate dis bus... When ii take .. Alwayx full of ppl !!! Damm idiot lolx... Den todae morning i n caii ting go to bus-stop... The bus 963... come alreadii rite... den door oso no open... drove of... I todae curse de bus lolx... Den make mii late 4 sch !!!
De time i reach sch rite.. Ish 8.30 le lolx... If ii take de wrong bus no. 963E... to harbourfront n take bus no. 963 back to sch... oso 8.30 reach ... den somemore de 963E still gt place to sit de lolx.. no nid stand !!! Haix...

Haix.. Overall todae berii de ANGRY !!! BLAST !!! ANGER !!! :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

kk lar... Now go slp le.. NiTeX nItEx!! >.<"'

bEii .. 11.36pm

- it stings - 11:22 PM

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Todae i sch bored till going to die... Haix... Todae de bag... heavy lyk siao ... den hor in sch... read comic... oso nobody care abt mii... unlike ping de class.. when she take comic out... her friends all ask her... "erm.. can lend comic a not.. which comic nice"... Haix.. My class nobody care abt u de lolx... u alive or die oso no1 care..

Den todae my class gt 1 new classmate.. her name ish pi min.. but we call her min min.. she ish mei qian de friend.. Good for mei qian lolx... her friend in same class as her... same group do project... Haix...

Den jux now i go kallang dancing... Wa lao... Damm tiring lolx... stupid de la... but todae make lots of friends... Oso noticed that de instructor n jie jie... not fierce de... Haha... I dunno how to dance still teach mii patiently... ThAnkX 4 those hu teach mii todae... Hehe...

Den i write until here... Nth to write le... I go slp le... NitEx...


- it stings - 12:51 AM

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Haix.. Todae do this bog.. do so long... berii de sian... cannot find smth that i wanted... find for hours n hours... den oso did nth todae... I now going to bored to death le.. Y?? B'cos i now no comic / novel to read... comic tml den i can read... if nt in sch oso bored to death.. den now how ?? spend my time infront of the com de whole dae... oso berii bored rite... so any1 habe any games or fun online stories/ jokes... can recommend mii ?? Worx...

Haix... Worry 4 ping ar !!! I go n c her blog... Noe that she cry 4 so manii daes!!! den i oso cannot help her... berii de kui jiu la... So ping.. if u happen to c my blog rite... Remember dis... Gt anything remember to tell us u noe... We are ur frienx la... Cannot bie inside 4 too loong time... Will nei shang de la... Gt it... De others i dare not bao zheng la... But as 4 mii rite... I will b thr 4 u when u nid mii... * but not in shang gen ban ye la... Or those ling chen... i will die de... But i guess u will not rite... So anything dun bie inside u noe...

Hehe...Den todae oso nth to rite cos realii bored to death... Haix... If happen to die todae remember to attend moii funeral la... Remember la... Mux b kind some times !!! Hehe... So nth to rite le ... Log off liaox... Buaiz... Hehe >.<

- it stings - 8:52 PM


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

ii was born wiib the name beiying
sweet Niineteen
obviously ii am a garl
hu goes by the nick beii
currently living in senja;bukit panjang

.taking photo
.my darling biiao mei; viians
9 .fone
.the HOTTiies from mars


.my cousin from hell; debbiie yeo ifb iieu see her, smack her fer miie kiies
.getting up early in the morn
.lack of money $$
.the alien hu habb a fweaking nosebled 24/7


.to habe a laptop
.new handfone
.new fone set
.to learn dance more quickly
.new bag
.new wallet
.to be able to catch up with de speed*dance*
.to learn japanese
.to pass my driving test
.to have a driving lic.
.to learn to park without pole
.to own a car
.to save more $$
.more books

bwuaiis bwuaiix((:
__cry & shoutts.]]*

